Find answers, information and resources to help you with all your California vehicle registration needs.
My mom bought a 1991 Honda Accord EX in San Diego, CA and once she went to register it they asked for it to be smogged. Apparently the original owner never got it smogged before he ...
My vehicle is non operational since last June. I am completing paperwork so I sell it back to DMV for junk for low income. Mean while I have to relocate and need a permit to move m ...
Recently, the California Department of Motor Vehicles launched a program called the Virtual DMV Office. The program is designed to be operated as an online platform for vehicle own ...
I was told that my tags would come with my new license plates, but they were not in the envelope with the plates. I need both the month sticker and year tags now. I'm wondering why ...
I am currently working in Oregon and have my car here with me. I intend to live and work here for another year or two before moving back to California, but my car is currently regi ...
Hi there. Thanks so much for the assistance in advance. I submitted my form with a check to the DMV, but would like the sticker to be mailed to my temporary address in NY. I drove ...
For a short period of time this year we had double auto insurance coverage for 4 days. I was issued a fee on my registration renewal and received a suspension of registration notic ...
My daughter will soon turn seventeen and I'd like to add her on my vehicle's registration and title so she has legal rights to it and so I can add her to my insurance policy. What ...